A hydroelectric power plant on the Grimsel generates naturemade certified electricity. (Photo: Jan Ryser)
Why have energy generation plants and energy products certified under the naturemade quality scheme?
Would you like to position your company as providing added environmental value in the strongly growing energy market? Then have your energy generation plants and energy products certified with the naturemade quality label.
The certification of energy plants and products under the naturemade scheme ensures high quality, provides for environmental improvements, documents added renewable and environmental value and boosts the corporate profile. The naturemade quality label creates a strong foundation for marketing added renewable and environmental value.
naturemade generates added value – ensure that you benefit from these advantages!

For producers
Added qualitative value
- Credibility through broad support from environmental and consumer organisations and the energy sector.
- Continual improvement of internal environmental performance through the implementation of the mandatory environmental management system.
- Guaranteed highest environmental standards regarding the protection of bodies of water and the species for which they provide habitats through naturemade star hydropower certification; Europe-wide best performance standard.
- Environmental improvements around plants through dedicated power plant funds ((mit Fonds verlinken)) of naturemade star-certified hydroelectric power plants.
Added corporate value
- Credible evidence of climate-friendly, green energy generation.
- Quantifiable, added renewable and environmental value through energy balance reviews.
For suppliers
Added qualitative value
- Guaranteed 100% energy from renewable sources of energy.
- Credibility through broad support from environmental and consumer organisations and the energy sector.
- Separate certification of energy generation plant and energy product to ensure that only the energy actually generated can be sold.
Added environmental value
- Guaranteed highest environmental standards regarding the protection of bodies of water and the species for which they provide habitats through naturemade star hydropower certification; Europe-wide best performance standard.
- Environmental improvements around plants through dedicated power plant funds ((mit Fonds verlinken)) of naturemade star-certified hydroelectric power plants, which can be communicated to end customers using examples of good practice.
- Support for the construction of new plants for generating eco-energy.
Added corporate value
- Sales arguments for end customers based on quality and credibility and a uniform product range.
- Quantifiable, added renewable and environmental value through energy balance reviews.
- Stronger identity from a Swiss quality label with a clear origin.