All member categories are represented on the VUE (Association for Environmentally Sound Energy) Board.
The current VUE Board members are:
- Michel de Marchi, Schweizerischer Wasserwirtschaftsverband, Hydroelectric power producers
- Brigitt Hausammann (Co-President), Swiss Post Ltd, Large commercial consumers
- Luc Herminjard, Konsumentenforum kf, Small consumers’ associations
- Lukas Küng, Primeo Netz AG, Suppliers and traders
- Stefan Kunz, Pro Natura, Environmental organisations
- Catherine Martinson, WWF Switzerland, Environmental organisations
- Cristina Pastoriza, SIG, Suppliers and traders
- Bernhard Signer (Co-President), Repower, Suppliers and traders
- David Stickelberger, Swissolar, Producers of new renewable energies
These organisations are represented on the VUE board.