The Association for Environmentally Sound Energy (VUE) pursues a vision.

Our vision

We want to see 100% green energy in Switzerland by 2050. This applies to both the energy production and the supply mix in Switzerland.

Our strategy

Market instruments and alignment with customers

  • The VUE provides orientation through credible, evidence-based quality standards and relevant quality labels that are ahead of legal regulations. In so doing, it strives to support and change consumers’ awareness and choices.
  • The VUE’s Swiss quality label naturemade stands for the certification of renewable and eco-energy on the national and international level.
  • The VUE enjoys the broad support of energy producers and suppliers, environmental and consumer organisations, large consumers, science, administrations at federal, cantonal and municipal level, and politicians.

Gradual greening of the energy system

  • naturemade-certified energy protects the climate and nature – eco-energy corresponds to naturemade star quality.
  • The Association and its members make a substantial contribution to the increased development of new renewable energies and a more ecological production of energy of naturemade star quality.
  • The naturemade supply mix follows a pathway towards achieving the VUE’s vision.
  • Energy efficiency and the careful management of reusable materials in general form important components of the greening of the energy system. The VUE offers suitable tools and standards for doing so.

Zurich, june 2021