The naturemade quality label is supported by the Association for Environmentally Sound Energy (VUE).

The naturemade quality label is sponsored by the Association for Environmentally Sound Energy VUE. The Association was established in 1999; its members are environmental and consumer organisations, companies and organisations from the energy sector, and large consumers of renewable energy.

The VUE members have subscribed to a common goal, namely to promote new renewable energies and environmentally friendly energy products to help protect our climate and environment. The Association’s charter defines the following goals:  

  1. Promotion of new renewable energies and environmentally friendly energy products by developing, disseminating and implementing certification procedures and quality labels for environmentally friendly and renewable energy products, and disseminating and promoting the Association’s own collective marks.
  2. Development of scientific criteria for the evaluation of environmentally friendly energy products.
  3. Acceptance of additional tasks related to the promotion of eco-friendly forms of energy, in particular collaboration with other organisations in Switzerland and abroad.

Association membership categories:

  • Electricity producers «Hydroelectric power plants» and their associations.
  • Producers «new renewable energies» and their associations.
  • Energy suppliers, energy traders and their associations.
  • Environmental organisations.
  • Small consumers’ associations.
  • Large commercial consumers and their associations.

VUE membership is available for active and passive members. Active members may certify energy generation plants and energy products under the naturemade star or naturemade quality label.

Join the Association and help promote the naturemade quality label!

3 of 150 members of the naturemade sponsoring association.