Revitalisation Gwattmoos, Thun.
Both nature and the climate benefit from the sale of naturemade-certified power products
Every kilowatt hour of electricity supplied to end customers via a naturemade certified electricity product makes a contribution to an eco-fund. This contribution is levied via the naturemade star share in the certified products. naturemade star certified electricity from all energy systems makes a contribution - including from new renewable energies. This commitment directly benefits nature, the environment and the climate.
For every kilowatt hour of naturemade star-certified electricity sold, 0.7 centimes flow into the fund. A proportion of naturemade star electricity is also included in all naturemade certified electricity products. Fund monies are used to fund measures which contribute to achieving VUE’s vision, i.e. greening/biodiversity promotion measures or the building of naturemade star-certified greenenergy production capacities/greater energy efficiency.
The individual measures to be funded are negotiated by a fund group that comprises the power plant operator, local authorities and environmental organisations. The funds are managed by the operator. Monies from the funds may not be used for measures aimed at compliance with certification criteria.
Virtual 3D tours of upgrading projects
The ecological upgrading measures that can be realised thanks to the naturemade funds represent a vivid added value of «naturemade star» certified electricity. Four 3D pilot tours offer the opportunity to virtually explore renaturated sites at any time.
Rehabilitation, revitalisation, upgrades
Examples of environmental improvements include rehabilitations and revitalisations of rivers or upgrades of bodies of water to improve biodiversity. These measures benefit all animal and plant species in the area, but especially endangered species such as midwife toads.
Each example is listed with a short description and information on the respective operator and time frame.

The Limmat river, which was once canalised, after rehabilitation. (Photo: ewz)

Upgrades also create habitats for endangered midwife toads. (Photo: Jan Ryser)