naturemade-certified energy products – a good choice
naturemade not only helps you make a decisive contribution to the turnaround in energy policy and position your company as a future-oriented enterprise, but also assists you in achieving your Swiss Energy Agency for Industry (EnAW) and Cleantech Agency Switzerland (act) goals.
The naturemade quality scheme verifies the quality of the energy supply you wish to subscribe to and thus strengthens credibility and provides ecological improvements. This in turn helps your company establish its environmental credentials.
naturemade generates added value for your company:
Added qualitative value
- Guaranteed 100% energy from renewable sources of energy.
- Credibility through broad support from environmental and consumer organisations and the energy sector.
- Separate certification of energy generation plant and energy product to ensure that only the energy actually generated can be sold.
Added environmental value
- Guaranteed highest environmental standards regarding the protection of bodies of water and the species for which they provide habitats through naturemade star hydropower certification; Europe-wide best performance standard.
- Continual environmental improvements around plants through dedicated power plant funds of naturemade star-certified hydroelectric power plants: naturemade Green Fund Guidelines (from page 55)
- Support for the construction of new plants for generating eco-energy.
Added corporate value
- Sales arguments for end customers based on the company’s established environmental credentials.
- Stronger identity from a Swiss quality label with a clear origin.
Use your subscription to naturemade-certified energy in your internal and external communications. The VUE executive office will provide you with support and the requisite aids and guidelines .
Eligibility of naturemade star-certified energy for Swiss Energy Agency for Industry (EnAW) and Cleantech Agency Switzerland (act) requirements
Subscribing to naturemade star-certified eco-power can count as an energy efficiency measure for the EnAW and act programmes, if the subscription extends over at least 12 months and relevant evidence is provided annually. However, the subscription does not form part of the target agreement. The credits granted for eco-power are set out in a memorandum (in german); please contact your EnAW or act advisor for further information.