How green is your transport?

Transport accounts for more than a third of the energy consumed in Switzerland. And the vast majority of this energy is still sourced from fossil fuels.

Yet these days there are so many ways to be green while on the move:
Make the switch to an electric vehicle and charge it with naturemade star green power.
Choose a gas-powered vehicle and fill up with naturemade star biogas.
Or fill up your heavy commercial vehicles with hydrogen from naturemade electricity.


naturemade for electric vehicles

With an electric vehicle your mobility is much more environmentally friendly compared to a conventional vehicle with combustion engine – provided that you operate it with green power. Numerous life cycle assessments have shown just how important the choice of electricity quality is (see for example the fact sheet on current and future environmental impacts of passenger cars published by EnergieSchweiz, available in German, French and Italian).

There are several options for charging your electric vehicle with naturemade star green power:

Green power charging stations

Choose public charging stations which offer naturemade star green power (Image: IWB)

Green power charging card

Use the naturemade star charging card to recharge with green power at any charging station

Eco-power sticker

Buy an eco-power sticker to cover your e-vehicle’s full power needs (Image: ewz)


Green power fleet

Reduce your company’s CO2 emissions with an electric fleet and green power (Image: Clean Fleet)

Choose public charging stations which offer naturemade star green power

Use one of the public charging stations offering naturemade star green power to charge your vehicle en route. The following energy suppliers and other suppliers are currently offering 100% naturemade star power (non-exhaustive list):

Additionally request naturemade star green electricity for your home so that you can charge your electric vehicle with green power at home. Use our postcode tool to find out whether your energy supplier offers naturemade star green power. Alternatively you can buy naturemade star certificates from one of the national providers in Switzerland.

Use the naturemade star charging card to recharge with green power at any charging station

The naturemade star charging card allows you to source green power of naturemade star quality easily while on the road from any charging station in Europe, regardless of whether you recharge via an app, the e-driver card or Swisspass. The card provider Plug’n Roll not only ensures that the amount of green power bought by you is supplied, but also covers the surcharge for naturemade star quality. Plug'n Roll Website
Additional providers of naturemade star charging cards will follow.

Additionally request naturemade star green electricity for your home so that you can charge your electric vehicle with green power at home. Use our postcode tool to find out whether your energy supplier offers naturemade star green power. Alternatively you can buy naturemade star certificates from one of the national providers in Switzerland.

Eco-power sticker to cover your e-vehicle’s full power needs

Buy an eco-power sticker to cover your electric vehicle’s entire electricity needs with green power – regardless of whether you charge your vehicle at home or while you’re on the move. The sticker ensures that you source the required amount of green power for a defined annual mileage for your car. The sticker is available for 2500, 5000 or 10,000 kilometres per year. A sticker for e-bikes is also available, which is valid for an indefinite period of time and covers the amount of green power you consume approximately throughout your e-bike’s useful life.

The sticker can be purchased online and at numerous sales outlets in Switzerland. Find a list of all suppliers here.

Green power for your company fleet

There is substantial potential for reducing the CO2 emissions of many company fleets. By purchasing electric vehicles and operating them with naturemade star green power, companies are able to achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. VUE supports and recommends the Clean Fleet programme, which allows companies to set up low-emissions fleets. Clean Fleet rewards companies for having passenger car fleets designed for highly ambitious CO2 reduction pathways. Participating companies undertake to operate their electric vehicles with 100% green power (naturemade star or equivalent). For gas-powered vehicles, the purchase of naturemade star biogas can also be counted towards achieving the target (see next section).

Clean Fleet Website (in German)


naturemade for gas-powered vehicles

Gas-powered vehicles are more climate-friendly than vehicles operated with conventional fossil fuels, but only 100% naturemade star biogas ensures that you drive ecologically. That’s why it is important that you keep your eye out for the naturemade star quality seal when refuelling. Only with naturemade star certified biogas can you be sure that your biogas has been produced as environmentally friendly as possible - from the delivery of the organic residues to the biogas production and injection into the distribution network.

The following gas suppliers offer the ability to buy 100 % naturemade star biogas from their filling stations (non-exclusive list):

Switzerland has a network of more than 150 biogas/natural gas filling stations. In Europe, natural gas and biogas can be refuelled at around 4200 filling stations. Visit the website of the Swiss Gas Industry Association (Verband der Schweizerischen Gasindustrie (VSG) to find the locations of all filling stations as well as further information on driving with biogas/natural gas-powered vehicles.

Refuel your gas-powered vehicle with naturemade star biogas. (Image: Energie 360°)

naturemade for hydrogen vehicles

Environmentally conscious companies are increasingly turning to hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels for their heavy commercial vehicles. The environmental impact of hydrogen is largely dependent on the process and energy quality used to produce it.

For this reason, VUE has been running a declaration system for hydrogen from naturemade electricity since 1 January 2022. This ensures that the hydrogen was produced exclusively with renewable, naturemade-certified electricity. This is particularly advantageous if you need to provide proof of this. Contact your producer or supplier if you would like hydrogen from naturemade electricity.

Further information on hydrogen from naturemade electricity can be found under “Quality label”, “Declaration for hydrogen”.