The VUE executive office is happy to assist you at any time.
The executive office of VUE (Association for Environmentally Sound Energy) has been managed by Brandes Energie AG, Zurich, since 2001.
The Executive Office team comprises:
Pascal Steingruber
MSc ETH environm. scientist, MAS ETH Management, Technology and Economics
Managing Director
Charlotte Spörndli
grad. environm. scientist ETH
Deputy Managing Director, Coordination Hydropower Division
Florian Brunner
MSc in Geography, CAS Sustainable Development
Coordination of communication, mobility, green electricity vignette
Domenica Bucher
MSc in Geography
Market survey, wind, photovoltaics, hydrogen decalaration, power-to-X
Yolanda Deubelbeiss
Dr. sc. ETH Earth Sciences, CAS Strategic Communication
Wind, photovoltaics, drinking water power plants, cooperation in the area of communication, certification guidelines
Valentin Graf
MSc ETH in Environmental Engineering
Coordination Biomass, life cycle assessments, criteria working group
Fabiola Kälin
MSc in Geography
Coordination control audits, market survey, photovoltaics
Regula Keller
MSc ETH environm. scientist
Coordination of certification criteria and guidelines, biomass, life cycle assessments
Ariane Luttenauer
Administrative staff
General information
Nathalie Perucchi
Administrative staff
VUE Administration Officer, organisation general assembly
Daniel Streit
MSc ETH environm. scientist
Coordination district heating sector, naturemade resources star, hydrogen declaration, efficiency market
Christa Sturzenegger
Administrative staff
General information